Tag Archives: A Link to the Past

Looking Back: The Legend of Zelda – A Link to the Past

A Link to the Past is a faultless game. Released for the Super Nintendo in the 90s, a sequel was announced just last month and the internet pretty much collectively lost their minds. That’s how popular this two decade old game is.

And it’s hard to see why people wouldn’t be in love with it. For a start, the game is huge. Two completely different and giant overworlds to explore in the game’s genius light/dark world mechanic added an entirely new level to exploration. Gamers would discover that an action in one world could affect an object or environment in the other. That’s some sophisticated design for the time.

While the original Zelda laid the foundation for mass exploration, ALTTP hands down nailed it. For a start, it was actually worth looking around as it all looked and sounded beautiful, had secret items and upgrades everywhere and was littered with NPCs that added to the rich backstory of the game.

Speaking of the story, this is the first Zelda to weave a genuinely captivating yarn. Eight maidens being kidnapped for mysterious purposes, an evil wizard that assassinates the king, the death of your uncle and a prison break all occur in the first half hour of the game. I haven’t even mentioned some of the genuine twists and shocks that pop up. After games that basically boiled down to “go here and do this”, we had a refreshing change of pace.

It was the first Zelda to offer up huge, challenging and puzzling boss fights. For the first time you couldn’t win by simply going at it with your sword. The bosses required analysis and careful study to pinpoint and exploit weaknesses. Once you’d done that, you could go at it with your sword. But you’d earned it, so it was satisfying as hell.

The sheer amount of weapons to discover in Link’s armoury was truly a joy. Tracking down the bow and arrow, the hookshot and the Master Sword all felt massively rewarding. Add to that optional items like an invisibility cloak and medallions that essentially butchered anything onscreen and you were in business.

People say Ocarina of Time changed the series, but I say it all started here. This was when The Legend of Zelda stopped being good and started being so much more. I would argue that out of every game from this generation, A Link to the Past holds up the best. Check it out for yourself.

Nintendo Announce A Link to the Past 2!

If it wasn’t my job to actually inform in some way, I would be reporting on this by simply smashing my head on the keyboard until I passed out and hope that someone would come along and click publish for me.

Yes, Nintendo have announced a sequel for game that is nearly twenty years old. Zelda has never really been big on linearity I suppose.

While many were hoping for news of a 3DS remake for Majora’s Mask, this announcement has surprised fans everywhere, despite Nintendo previously stating that they were keen to see how ALTTP’s top down world would look with depth and height. Now we know. Glorious.

The game, which currently has no official title, will take place in the same world as the SNES classic, A Link to the Past but is by no means a remake.

The trailer demonstrates a curious ability Link now has to become a drawing and slide across walls, as well as showcasing classic items like the bow, mallet and sword and shield. Obviously.

Zelda 3DS (Or ALTTP 2) is scheduled for release holiday season 2013. Praise be to Nintendo.